100 Coins: Man Le White Tea Coin 曼勒白幣 WHOLESALE

Li Shulin

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350.00 Grams

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Man Le White Tea Coin (曼勒白幣, Màn Lē Bái Bì, "Man Le White Coin") - This is the first of our new branded tea coins to arrive, and it's also a tea that is completely new to us. Man Le is Li Shulin's new home, having relocated after his house on Nannuo Mountain was destroyed by a fire in 2021. Man Le is adjacent to Nannuo, about 20 kilometers to the west, and was the site of Menghai Tea Factory tea farming operations in the 1970s. These abandoned tea fields still stand in Man Le and the feralized descendants of those tea trees grow amongst the native pine forests of the slopes of Man Le. 

This coin is made from spring-harvested Man Le Pu'er tea leaves processed as Moonlight White, a classic sun-dried style of Yunnan tea. A balanced blend of buds and leaves gives this fresh white tea coin a crisp flavor with a clean, satisfying mouthfeel and a sweet, fudgy fragrance in the empty cup. 

These 7 gram coins produce 7-10 full-bodied infusions in a normal gong fu-sized vessel (100-150 ml) or several steepings in a large Western style teapot. They're also suitable for steeping "grandpa style" directly in a mug or glass, as the density of the coin keeps the leaves from floating to the surface. These make excellent gifts and are great to keep in a purse, bag, or wallet in case you happen to run into some hot water on your travels. 

This tea coin includes 7g of pressed tea. The base color of the wrapper is tan, indicating that it is a White Tea. The ring and bat are white, indicating that this tea is made from standard leaves.