30g 2013 Date Night Shou Mei Brick 枣夜壽眉茶磚

Li Yanmei

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30.00 Grams

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At 11 years of age as of the time of this writing, Date Night is the sweetest aged white tea we've had in some time. White tea cakes, like pu'er cakes, use different grades for different shapes. The most large, whole leaves are usually pressed into rounded bings while the slightly more broken leaves become bricks, because the angular shape of the brick isn't well suited for large leaves. The result is a dark, rich, aged tea that is fragrant and sweet from the first pour, and lasts 12-15 steepings, peaking between the 4th and 6th steepings. Date Night is a Fuding Shou Mei by master Li Yanmei, and is a textbook example of a well-aged white tea. Grape, honey, molasses, and of course sticky dark date notes make this one of our most popular teas of 2024. If you like aged white tea, do yourself a favor and pick up a full brick of this tea before they're all gone - we sold ten of them in the first two weeks of having this tea and that's before it was ever released on the website. As of the time of this writing, only 11 whole bricks remain out of an original 24 bricks, with 40 more in China that we are currently working to secure. After that, this tea will be gone forever.